Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My Panera Experience!!

So on monday, my friend sarah went into lablor and on my way to the hospital i stopped at panera to get bagel yummyness for the nurses. So as i'm getting out of the truch theres this weird homeless looking dude just a staring at the truck, sketch, i thought but went on in. He followed and the whole time i was picking out my bagels he just hovered behind me not ordering, then he follows me out and right when i get to the truck he says: " hey can i have one of those bagels?" Me: "uh no!" He: " why, you gonna eat all thirteen of them?" Me: " uh my friends having a baby today, what are you doing?" He:" fine, im not doing anything, you keep um."
Me: " thatys what i thought!" I dont know why, through all this, i didnt get afraid but really who does that? That oughta teach all the chatt thugs to leave me alone when i got bagels!


  1. Who is this Titus dude, where did he come from? I guess it has been awhile since I have been in Chattanooga. I miss it. I have always thought of "nooga" as my home away from home. With two sisters living there I will have even more reasons to visit. If any of the Rhudys are ever in the neighborhood of Korea, stop by we have plenty of room.


  2. Way to go, Emily! You've been listening at New City---to give money or sometimes even food to panhandlers, you are just keeping them in their hopeless cycle. I confess that I often offer to buy a beggar a sandwich. Usually they refuse. That's not why they want the money.
