Sunday, February 15, 2009


This is what happens when Izz dresses herself!

OK, so this is odd, Isabelle can count to 10 in both English and Spanish but in both languages she leaves out the number seven. Even if you have her repeat after you, you say five, she says five, you six, she says six but when you say seven she says eight! I'm not sure what this means but if anyone has any insight let me know. I'll be posting some fun valentines day photos later after Tim edits them but I'm posting a few from today. My brother miller got me an early birthday present, a bike trailer! I'm so excited, I've wanted one for awhile and the kids already love it!


  1. Ah. It just means she's two. She'll get it. Seven is the only one that is two syllables, so she probably just doesn't like the break in the pattern. They are just meaningless words to her for a little while yet, anyway.

  2. Another story about Ian, my oldest nephew. He learned his alphabet really early, but the same thing with Izzy's 7, he avoided the letter F. Maybe he realized it can stand for a curse word! He added it to the alphabet by the time he started school, though!
